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Ladybugs Choir (Grades 2 and 3)
This ensemble is open to all 2nd and 3rd grade girls interested in singing.
The Ladybugs typically perform in 4-6 concerts per year throughout Tucson.​
Rehearsal Locations/Times:
Central- Mondays, 5:00-6:00 pm
Northwest- Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
Central & Northwest- Alanah Dickinson
*Northwest Ladybugs are currently combined with Northwest Hummingbirds. When we have enough singers in each age group, we will split!
Musical concepts include (but not limited to):
Attentiveness during rehearsal
Correct breath control and choral vowels
Proper singing and rehearsing posture
Singing in one and two part musical textures
Introductory music reading skills
Introduction to solfege​​​​
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