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ALANAH DICKINSON is the education initiatives coordinator for the Tucson Girls Chorus, as well as the director of the Ladybugs and Hummingbirds choirs. She is also the artistic director of the Shine! Summer Camp. She received her bachelor’s degree in choral education from Brigham Young University before moving to Tucson to begin her career. 


As a professional teacher since 2021, Alanah has worked to increase her abilities to teach in a clear and engaging manner. She had several opportunities to lead in TUSD, including as the Middle School Honor Choir coordinator and the conductor of the 2024 OMA Honor Choir.


Alanah believes that the best educators continue their own education, as well. She is always seeking new opportunities to increase her skills, such as singing in the Tucson Symphony Orchestra Chorus. Alanah also looks forward to pursuing a master’s degree to improve her teaching and conducting abilities.


In her free time, Alanah loves watching movies and playing board games with her family and friends.



Education Initiatives Coordinator


TGC Building & Central Rehearsal Location​

4020 E River Rd

Northwest Rehearsal Location


St. Mark's UMC

1431 W Magee Rd

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